Friday, May 30, 2008

This Is The Life!!!

This afternoon William lounged in his chair while the General swam. It is so hard living in Glen Dale...

All William's New Tricks...

Since it was a lazy day in Glen Dale, I had the chance to get pictures of all William's latest tricks! Lately William has taken a liking to sitting up and refuses to do anything lying down, which can make bottle feeding and diaper changing quite a task! As you can also see, he's become quite the stuntman! He likes to lean over the side of his swing at the ground while it is moving!! Soon he is going to be swinging by his ankles!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

William's New Friend

Tonight William went to the WVU dinner and met a new Friend! Ya'll probably know him as Coach. He was sweet enough to take a picture with me and William to make Jason jealous. He gave a good speech and even named Jason by name! See Jason it's good to have a son with connections! HeeHee!!! Now if we could only get William to say Goooo Mountaineeeeeers!!!! We've got some time until the first game...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day Daddy!!! We Miss You!!!

Here are our picture from our Memorial Day! It was a wonderful day of playing, swimming, eating, and for William Drooling!! William's cousins Kaleb and Brenna came down for a picnic and we all had a good time! I wanted to take this time to thank all the troops for all they do to keep us safe and to make sure they know that they are dearly missed every second! We love you all!!!

Million Dollar Dance

I guess the Million Dollar Dance starts early! William's Aunt Becca caught William practicing his Million Dollar Dance this evening while he was in his jumperoo! You'll have to ignore the outside was a busy Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

William's New Ride

In preparation for Aunt Becca's wedding William has gotten a new ride to help me get back into shape. He is still a little small for it but he thinks he has time to grow before I'm ready to run anyway...
Once Aunt Becca, aka the stroller engineer, got him safely harnessed in he was ready for his marathon training...well at least a walk around the block!

William and Mommy's First Trip Solo

Well we did it! William and I took our first solo road trip this weekend. We went to Peterstown for Matt's wedding. William rode perfectly with the help of his new Flat Daddy. Flat Daddy rode in the back seat with William and the little time William spent awake on the trip he spent talking to his Flat Daddy. I'm not sure what they talked about but it sounded like they were having a wonderful time while I drove. As I mentioned we went down for Matt's wedding which was also William's very first wedding, it was outside on a beautiful sunny day at his wife's brother's house! Flat Daddy also made an appearance at the wedding and everyone was so exciting he could make it! So as you can see from the pictures we had a wonderful weekend and we all three made it back here safe and sound and hopefully to get a little sleep!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Flat Daddy's First Family Dinner

After hours of cutting and pasting and cutting and coloring, Flat Daddy was ready! Super excited we had a special dinner for him, we had left overs, YUM!! Flat Daddy greatly enjoyed it and My Dad even gave Flat Daddy a glass of wine to celebrate!
Tomorrow Flat Daddy makes his very first road trip, he's going to Peterstown for his best friend Matt's wedding! I hope he travels well. Stay tuned for the misadventures of William and his Flat Daddy...

Why Do You Always...

Have that camera!!!!!!!!!!! This is just a short little video of William playing in his Jumperoo and enjoying his hand!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

He's Here, He's Finally Here!!!!

Today when we arrived home from Charlotte, NC we had the most wonderful surprise...Our Flat Daddy arrived while we were gone!!! William was so excited he grabbed the box right out of my hands. He was even more excited when he found Daddy inside!!!! As you can see, he really misses his Round Daddy but will talk to his Flat Daddy until he comes home! I also put a picture in of the General, poor Puppy misses Daddy most of all!!! Now all we have to do is mount him, (heehee) so when we hug him he doesn't roll up!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Pictures to follow! This morning William was having tummy time with his Aunt Becca and showing off by flipping his bumm and legs over when General barked and scared William and he picked his head up to see what General was barking at and then couldn't figure out what we were all cheering about!!!! But he then celebrated with us!!!! YAY WILLIAM!!!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

William's First Train!!!

The most exciting thing happened today while shopping for Auntie Becca's dress, William saw his first train!!!!!!!!!!! There were train tracks behind the dress shop and when we were leaving we heard a train coming. So excited we waited and waited for it to pass. It was so cute the Conductor waived at us out the window and everything!! But as you can see from the picture, I was so afraid the Conductor was going to sound the whistle that I held William's ears! It was actually really loud because we were so close. William did not find it as exciting as Auntie Becca and I did. Maybe his second train siting will be more exciting.

You've Got a Baby...

In a Bar!!! His Daddy would be so proud! William met Aunt Becca and all her teacher friends at Vinnie's Sardine Bar on Lake Norman today! He had a wonderful time entertaining her friends, and he found his Aunt Becca extra tasty today!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Meet My Friend

Well since William was being such a good boy we got him a traveling friend. Since last Monday William rode a total of 950 miles with his crazy Mother and only Nonna for entertainment. He is so excited for his new puppy friend. But it has made the General a little jealous. William rode from Fort Drum, NY to Glen Dale, WV to Charlotte, NC. But all with a mission....a Wedding Dress for his Auntie Becca. And all his travelling was not in vain, his Auntie Becca found a wedding dress today and he thinks she looks beautiful!!! So since I can't post any pictures of Rebecca's beautiful dress here is a picture of William swinging with his new best friend...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

4 month Dr. Apt.

Well William had his 4 month Dr. Apt today and it is official...he is a Healthy, Happy, Big, Bouncing Baby Boy!!!! (Just in case you were at all concerned, heehee!!) He weighed a skimpy 15 lbs and 13 oz and was a migdety 26 inches long!!!
We were really excited for this apt because we thought we were going to get to try cereal tomorrow, but the Dr said not yet...something about breastmilk being the perfect food...blah, blah, blah! So we are bummed no cereal but maybe next month.
Also she said he was having neck spasms, that's why he does not like looking to his left or when he sleeps his head falls to the side. So she wants us to go to a physical therapist to work on it...Scarey but she said it really isn't a big deal but the therapist will give us specific exercises to work on with him. He already does pretty good when he is rested and holding his head up straight but when he tires or sleeps it still falls so it will be good to get some advice on it....
But other than being angry about his shots, William is sleeping off the apt with his head propped up like instructed...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Play time with Grumpy!!

Finally I caught William laughing and screaming! He was playing with Grumpy this evening and I caught this little video...We will live to regret this come Sunday at Church...

4 Months-old AND New Toys!!!!!!

What a day William had, not only is William 4 months old but I got out his Jumparoo!! So Fun!!! He figured it out really quick and laughed and talked the whole time! I just wish he would smile for the camera...(Sorry the video is sideways, I can't figure out how to fix it! HeeHee!!!!) Also from the first picture you can see that William found the strangest thing recently...his feet! He kept falling out of his chair trying to get to his feet. He gets so close and then in his excitment he kicks and they get away from him again, but he keeps trying!

HI from the General...

The General wanted to say HI to Jason and show him his fancy backyard....

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Almost Perfect...

My first Mother's Day was just about perfect...our little man woke up with a smile, that just brightens up my day! Next we went to Church with Nonna and Grumpy and William could not have been more of an angel, smiling and talking to everyone. He even caught a nap on grumpy's lap during the readings. Grumpy was sweet enough to take us all to brunch and when I say all, I mean Grumpy, one Nonna, one Great Grandma, two Mommies, one Daddy, One 21 Month-old, and TWO 3 month-olds!!!! Yes, we were seated in the corner in the back but we didn't care. We ALL had wonderful time eating Chicken, "No I think, it's fish", "No, it's defintely chicken" Everyone was on their best behavior, including William (no diaper malfunctions). I'm just sorry we did not get any pictures. The only thing missing, was Jason...But I still felt like the luckiest Mom in the whole world! I've got the most wonderful little boy growing up in front of my eyes...From his cowlick and mullet on his head and his blue eyes down to his little chubby feet and chicken legs. I can't believe I got so lucky, now I might change my mind at midnight, or 3am, or 4:30am, or even 5:30 when I am up feeding him and trying to ignore that gummy grin so he will go back to sleep...but not likely. I of course can't take all the credit for the perfect little man I have, because we all know where he gets his good looks and personality...his Daddy! And we both Love and Miss him so much!!! And we can't wait for the day we get to see and hug him again!!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

William vs. Nonna

Today while discussing Tuesday's Primary election William's Nonna informed him that she was voting for Hillary. William became absolutely irate at her! After hours of trying to reason with her, his protest against her vote turned violent...

William's Strategy Change...

Once William realized that violent protests were not going to change her mind he decided to stage a respectful silent protest against her vote in Tuesday's Primary! As you can see his protest was so nonviolent that he fell asleep! But he doesn't want his Daddy to worry he won't give up trying to change her mind...maybe he will try a hunger strike next.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New Toys for William and Mommy...

Today William and I were trying out new toys. For William we put together his exersaucer and for me my new camera! Yay!!! The camera is so user friendly! Just check out the fancy pictures and VIDEO we did! William loves his new toy and of course we think he is so advanced b/c he went straight for it and new how it worked! I tried to pretend like the puppet dragon was talking to him but he just would look back at me like I was stupid, heehee!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Can We Go Too....

Sadly enough, William and I were not allowed but Jason has officially left for his tour and William and I are back safely in the mountains of West Virginia getting settled. We love and miss him greatly already but also believe and support his mission! So expect this blog to pick up so Daddy doesn't miss a day with William, The General and I as we give Nonna and Grumpy a run for their money...
Sorry about the fact that there are no going away photos but Jason took our only camera that contains the photos. Willie and I are off today to get a new camera...stay tuned...

Friday, May 2, 2008

William and Daddy Out takes...

Just a few funny pictures of William and his Daddy goofing off in the hotel room. William is really going to miss his Daddy!!!!

When you don't put the camera in his face nothing is funnier than a shirt stuck on his head or his daddy sticking out his belly....and couldn't pass up the last cute as it is Look at that double chin!!!! HeeHee, he loves his milk!!!

Family Day in Sackets Harbor

Yesterday William had a wonderful family day in Sackets Harbor, NY. Even though he was a little disturbed he was in a coat AND hat in May!!! We showed him Lake Ontario, our old apartment, his Uncle Ronnie's apartment, and the beautiful harbor. He loved it as you can see, but wished it had been a little warmer for his first and probably last visit to Sackets. We had a wonderful family afternoon by the lake and ended it with a wonderful dinner with Uncle Ronnie at Daddy's favorite Goodfello's. Sackets Harbor is the most beautiful place and one of the few things we will miss from Fort Drum.