Wednesday, May 28, 2008

William's New Friend

Tonight William went to the WVU dinner and met a new Friend! Ya'll probably know him as Coach. He was sweet enough to take a picture with me and William to make Jason jealous. He gave a good speech and even named Jason by name! See Jason it's good to have a son with connections! HeeHee!!! Now if we could only get William to say Goooo Mountaineeeeeers!!!! We've got some time until the first game...

1 comment:

  1. can william get me seats to a game? I mean seriously?? it must be because he's so cute, as I'm sure it has nothing to do woth Grumpy's connections...
    Too cute! Jay will be jealous!

    (you won't believe this, but the code I have to type in this time to allow the post is mtneer - how creepy!)
