Monday, July 19, 2010

James and his Exersaucer!

I finally got Daddy to dig out the Exersaucer for James last night and after cleaning it up nice James tried it out. He LOVED it!! And so did William as usual! Below are afew of the videos I took of James and William playing with it for the first time!

And James has started to suck his thumb! Too Stink'in Cute, isn't??

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Ballard Boys Take Over Hilton Head...

William and James enjoyed their trip to the beach! William was very excited to go down to the "desert" to play but did not enjoy the water. Both boys loved the pool and Aunt Becca taught William to jump into the pool!

James enjoying his first day at the beach chill'in under his tent.

James watching the waves come in...

William working on his sand castle.

Daddy and his boys!

The boys sporting their Vaca T-shirts.

This year's vacation T-shirts.

James enjoying the pool!

William and Aunt Becca enjoying the pool.

The Life Partners enjoying the beach and all their golf.

The boys enjoying their photo shoot with Aunt Becca...