Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Busy Busy Boy...

Is now even Busier!!!!! I can't wait for him to be chasing his Daddy around the house!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Future Mountaineer!!

Saturday William attended his first Mountaineer Football Game and on top of that it was against Marshall!! I think he was good luck because they won! YAY!! William had a wonderful time!!! But we think he enjoyed the crowd and the band more outside, just like his Daddy. We think he's a natural Mountaineer Fan! Here are some pictures from his very first game!

Thanks Grumpy!!!
Future Linebacker????

GET EM!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pumpkin Time...

Well it's getting cooler, and more colorful outside...not quite as cool as I like it but it will come. We took William to his first of many pumpkin patches this fall and as you can see he wasn't too excited...He didn't quite get the excitment...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

WILLIAM CRAWLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES, Everyone He finally did it! William crawled yesterday! And the day before he finally realized he could sit up by himself! Only from his belly though, heehee. If you still want to beach him all you have to do is put him on his back! But here are the photos and videos for proof...The first video gives you the transition between his scooting and crawling...he couldn't quite decide which one was more effective for him, heehee!!! Then the second one he's really crawling!!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Fall Day in Oglebay!

William, Nonna, and I went to Oglebay Park for an early fall Picnic. As you can we had a wonderful time, we ate, played, and walked around the lake. William loved the ants on the blanket and the fountain in the lake...But his favorite the dirt he found, it was delicious! We are hoping to take him back soon!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Don't Watch if you Scare Easily.....

(You'll have to excuse the videographer...she's old, heehee!!!!)

8 Months Old, Already!

I can't believe how super fast he is growing! At 8 months, he is tipping the scale at probably 25lbs at my estimate and obviously getting taller even though I don't know by how much! He also has gotten his 4 teeth in on top, which totals his tooth count to 7!! You can see them in the first picture...
William LOVES being outside still and still LOVES his fish! He recongizes ten words which include, "outside", "puppy", and "Dada"! William also cheers on the Mountaineers, even though the team doesn't seem to be responding, heehee! His newest trick seems to be growling to scare me and his Nonna, that seems to provide endless hours of entertainment! Maybe he should be a lion for Halloween... He also loves to play with the cube that has the shape holes and gets very angry when the shape won't fit into the hole! We are not quite sure where he got his bad temper but we are blaming Daddy, because he isn't here to defend himself! HeeHee!
Well that is a brief update into our Little Man's life to date!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Good News, Bad News for Daddy

Good News is that William Loves books and loves to read...Bad News is that he may be a Democrat! Look at the title of the Book he chose off of Grumpy's bookshelf! HeeHee!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008


I think William might be messing with my mind! Ok, so with his sleeping problems...William before we left for Peterstown: William usually slept from 8pm-2am then had a bottle and would sleep until 5:30am-6:30am. Fast forward to visiting Aunt Becca first night and every night there after: William would sleep from 8pm - 5:30 or 6:30!!!! What the heck!!! That was in a pack-n-play!!! Ok, so you're thinking great for Catherine, William's FINALLY sleeping through the night....well...not exactly....William arrives back in Glen Dale: William sleeps 8pm-midnight needs a bottle is up until 2 am then sleeps till 6:30am!!!! Every SINGLE night since we've been home!!!!
I already know what ya'll are thinking, and of course I did. The second night we were back I put up the Pack-n-play!!! And No it didn't help! He slept the SAME!!! What's up with that? SERIOUSLY!!!!
Anyone have a better suggestion??? This is getting pretty ridiculous, heehee!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Well...He Found it!

Yes, I knew it was coming but it was still hilarious!! William was so excited to find a splash, splash pool inside the house today! General was frantic to protect what little food he had left!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

William Loves the Mountains...

And Aunt Becca's new house! William spent a week in the mountains visiting his Aunt Becca and his Daddy's family and had a wonderful time! There were walks, church in Bozoo, 1st Birthday Parties, baking, bluegrass bands, and best of all FULL NIGHT SLEEPS!!!!! It obviously was the mountain air or the comfy cozy pack-and-play because William didn't sleep once he arrived back north!

And Thank Goodness we had such a wonderful time because if our 6.5 hour trip home is any hint to our future road trips....We won't be doing THAT again by ourselves!! Yes, I said 6.5 hours!!! But as you can see, William was all smiles as long as he did not have to be in his carseat! But nobody would take him no matter how cute of a hitchhiker he was!