Thursday, July 26, 2012

Our Little Fish...

Despite the swim lesson disaster of summer 2011, William has made Fabulous strides with his swimming this summer! All his confidence came to a head yesterday evening when he told me he wanted to go off the diving board... Yep you heard it, the child just one short month ago that wouldn't put his head in said he was ready to go off the diving board! So Jebby and I walked him over never dreaming he'd actually do anything... And to mine and Jebby's astonishment he walked right out to the end, did a couple of bounces and JUMPED!!! Up he came with the BIGGEST Smile, Yelling, "That was FUN Mommy!!!" So off he went three more times until the whistle blew for adult swim!!!  By the time Adult Swim was over, Daddy had arrived and was able to get us pictorial evidence because I Know, I wouldn't have believed it without it!! So Here ya go...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Camping Boys

The Ballard Boys asked to go Camping last night! Being Home Alone with them while Jason is away training, we had to Improvise! I brought their TeePee upstairs and put it up in Jebby's room.  Filled the bottom with blankets and they climbed in! Did NOT think it was going to last very long because, you see, Jebby likes to hold hands! (Sorry to the grown up Jeb when you read this later!) But when I snuck in to check on them in 30 minutes...this is what I found!!! 
  So I laid down in Jebby's bed and wasn't there for 10 minutes when I felt Jebby crawl into bed! William lasted a good while longer...I found him wondering around the upstairs about 2am.  He said he Couldn't sleep in the tent any longer because of all the "Gnats and Junk were Bothering" him! HeeHee!  I don't think I've got Eagle Scouts in the making....