Monday, March 31, 2008

Moving Day...

This weekend was Move Out Day! We are offically moved out of our house. Right now Willie is the only one with any luxuries at Fort Drum and only because everything he owns is going with him. This coming weekend Willliam and I will be moving back to West Virginia in preparation for Jason's deployment, bitter sweet, I know. He is going to miss so much and we are going to miss him terribly! But that is the life we have chosen so William and I are tucking our tails and moving back to the Great state of West Virginia to be with family and we couldn't be more excited. The General and Grumpy might have a different opinion, but who listens to them anyway, right?

In the midst of the move out commotion this weekend, William's friend Andrew Furtick stopped by to bit farewell. William is going to miss Andrew, he was his first friend and we hope they stay in touch. To put the picture into context Andrew is Two Whole Months older than William, so William seems to be holding his own in the size category. I hope his speech and motor skills catch up soon! And just for the heck of it, I also added a picture of the Men with their "Mini Me's" Too Funny!!!!

The Showdown....

Who is the Man of the Ballard Household....I'll let you make the call...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Can't be advanced in Everything...

Yesterday in the wirlwind of questions the doctor was asking me about William regarding what he can and can't do yet, he asked if he could push himself up 45 degrees while lying on his tummy or get his head and chest off the mat while lying there. I confidently answered YES, so proud of my son being so advanced ....Well as you can see from the photo evidence he has absolutely NO interest in lifting his melon off that mat! In fact he might be the only baby to fall asleep during Tummy Time... And I can't even blame the mistaken advancement on the language barrier that was so obvious between the Doctor and Me, I knew exactly what he was I'll let you all make the judgement...Did I lie to the Doctor????

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Over Achiever Already...

Well William just got back from his Two Month Well Visit and he is an over achiever already in life. At almost 14 pounds and 24 inches long, William is in the 90 -95 percentile for his age! So much for being "prefectly average" as the Doctor called him at birth! His Daddy said that there is nothing about a Ballard Baby that is average, I guess William is living up to that statement.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


William just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter!!! William got to meet the Easter Bunny just in time yesterday but wasn't too impressed. He sat with him patiently just to please his Mom but wasn't excited about it. I posted a few of the pictures we took of William in his Easter outfit and his cotton tail, which he will probably hate me for when he get older! (But his Nonna and I couldn't help ourselves when we saw the outfit)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Where's My Chocolate Egg!?!?

William waited patiently for his Mommy to give him a chocolate easter egg. Too bad he is still waiting. Maybe next year, little Man. Happy Easter everyone!!! William's Mommy was informed last night that she had forgotten to take William to see the Easter Bunny yet so we are in a panic up here trying to find where the Easter Bunny is hiding so William can meet him. Hopefully we find him before he leaves...

Saturday, March 15, 2008


William Sleeps!!!! This Week marks the first this little boy has slept more than 2 hours at a time. Our little Man slept 5-6 hours at time each night this week!!! His Mommy is a new woman!!! I pray it lasts!!! I will worry about fixing the head later....

Monday, March 10, 2008

Like Father...Like Son.

William's MawMaw Lee was recently generous enough to share the outfit William's Daddy came home from the hospital in so of course I had to play dress up with our little man... I'm sure he is just as handsome in it as his Father was...