Saturday, March 15, 2008


William Sleeps!!!! This Week marks the first this little boy has slept more than 2 hours at a time. Our little Man slept 5-6 hours at time each night this week!!! His Mommy is a new woman!!! I pray it lasts!!! I will worry about fixing the head later....


  1. Congrats on the sleeping. What a huge difference that makes. We'll keep our fingers crossed for you that it continues.

  2. Sorry to hear about that. We (read, Jodie) had a rough night ourselves last night. Definitely makes for a long night and not much fun.

  3. I am sorry that your sleep miracle did not continue. HOPEFULLY that will improve!

  4. hey - i have a question. when he wakes in the middle of the night, does he eat much? also, do you have a routine that you do every night, or do you just play it by ear? i have has slept for a minimum of 8 hours since he was 7 weeks old, and since 10 weeks sleeps 11-12 at night, so maybe my advice can help you, or maybe i am just a lucky woman....let me know if you want it!

  5. Yes, please, I'll take any advice you can offer.....

  6. Daddy and Catherine,
    I just saw William's blog and I can't wait to see my little brother again. He is getting so big.
