The Ballard Boys have been Very Very Busy this Christmas Season! Complete with Baking, Band Aids, and Fisbee Finding; they have even found a little time to Harass their Daddy!
Jebby showing off his Band Aid! Battle Wound from the Bounce-N-Play!
William's Battle Wound, from running into the Island!
That Crazy Fisbee had a Party with the Snow Village!
Since there isn't any Snow in Charlottesville, Fisbee had to improvise...
A Little Down Time with Daddy!
GingerBread Man Ornament Making! James actually really Enjoyed it, as long as you kept the ornaments coming!!
With Great Concentration, as usual, William said he was a Gingerbread Man Painting MAchine!
Their Final Products! Beautiful!!!!
Jebby assisting with the Baking, or Eating??? Yes, that is his Mouth covered in Red M&Ms!!!!