Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tennessee's First Snow!!!

   The Ballard Boys have had their First Snow here in Tennessee! We got about two inches and the boys have been out of school now for 7 Days!!!! That's right, 7 Days!!!!  They did have fun playing it it though...

James still does his Randy Routine...

John Thomas is 2 Months Old!!

   I can Not believe that John Thomas is already 2 months old!!! Man time flies when you're busy...  John Thomas has acquired a few nicknames in these short two months... from Chunky Monkey to Zero Fun Baby!  But he is a very serious little man who does not take any shenanigans from anyone! He definitely hash not been a go-with-the-flow type of baby! He makes his presence known!!! At his Two Month Check up he was a whopping 16 pounds and 25 inches long!  By Far our Biggest two month old!!!  John Thomas is busy busy doing Lots of Things...

He Loves to play with the Puppy...

He Does Enjoy playing with his toys!

  This is mostly how out little Johnny spent most of his first two months... But we are figuring him out...He doesn't like his Momma to have any caffeine, chocolate, dairy, or lastly peanut butter! He also HATES his car seat! And while we are listing things that annoy him, we can not forget the swing!  Now you are understanding the nicknames...

He almost rolled over already...

He is not Serious All the Time...

His Big Brothers Love Him!!!

Love Him ALOT!!!!

He is already learning the ins and outs of the PlayStation...

Cub Scouts First Pine Wood Derby

   Our Cub Scout and his Daddy had their first Pine Wood Derby! It was so much fun and quite a learning experience for all involved!!!  They vowed to be Winners next Year!!

Daddy learned how to use Power Tools!

His Assistant learned to importance of Safety Goggles!

William's Driver's License

Ready to Race!

  The Starting Line...

A Lot Blury but that is William's blue streak in Last Place...  :(

Everyone's a Winner...William knows otherwise...

One last smile with his Buddy Jackson!