Friday, July 18, 2008

Jambo Day 2!!!!!

Well William survived Day 1 of Jamoree in the Hills, but day 2 was even hotter!! With temps upwards of 90 degrees, you must stay hydrated!!!! As you can see William was prepared with his bag chair, hat and cooler!

But he learned quickly that he must pace himself...too much milk too fast in this heat, can make you a little crazy...

But he enjoyed the artists all afternoon...

William wanted to make sure his Daddy could read his mouthy T-shirt, so we took a close up in the house before he left for the show...


  1. Auntie Becca wants to see POOP pictures! WE WANT POOP PICTURES!!!!!

  2. We are selling them to the highest bidder to help pay for the wedding...the current bidis upto $20,000!!!
