Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Healthy with MOLARS!!!!!!

Well William had his 9 month check-up this morning. We found out that he is weighing in at a healthy 20lbs, 15oz; and stretches to 30''!!! So he's a BIG BOY! Also to our surprise he's cutting his first MOLAR! Yep, that's what I said...and to all of you babies jealous of William's magnificent teeth growing abilities...he can't use them to save his life! Dr. Lori also said we could begin eating anything we wanted besides nuts, but she said she also knows babies who've eaten purees until 2 years! So we aren't alarmed at his gag reflex to anything not pureed, yet! HeeHee!! She also enlightened William's Mommy to the reason he doesn't roll over ...Because he doesn't have to!!!! If he cries tears, I will do ANYTHING he wants! (One of his Mommy's few faults, heehee) She said with his muscle tone, his lack of rolling has nothing to do with his lack of abilities... I'm already over that surprising...
Anyway, all-in-all, William is growing perfectly and busy as ever and can't wait to see you all in the coming weeks!!!

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