Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thunder Over Louisville

Tickets to Baseball Game and Thunder ......$70

Front Row Parking for Diaper changes and Feedings .......$50

Water During game to Keep Momma Hydrated ....$3

Broken Camera by Good Samaritan taking Family Photo for us ....$120

New Running shoes because Daddy stepped in human poo behind the car ....$100

Not watching one pitch of the Baseball Game, missing the Air Show because "Me No like Woud Planes"...

Sitting in the car for 4 hours while William watches CARS on the ipod and Mommy feeds James, And Driving home during North America's Largest Fireworks display because "Me want to go home" .... PRICELESS

For a Disastrous Family outing in Louisville, ... there is a credit card.
For Everything else ... there is a Babysitter!


  1. HILARIOUS! Sounds like a phone call is in order to get the details on this Ballard family outing!

  2. Well, it definitely sounds like you had an interesting weekend! Sux about Jason's shoes, too!!!
